Know more about Sagarika – A Journey of transformation with Haut Monde Mrs. India Worldwide.
Sagarika Panda is 37 years old ,She is an early childhood educator from Bhubaneswar , Odisha. She is a proud Naval Aviator’s wife and mother of two amazing daughters. Her journey of transformation began in Feb 2020 after getting selected as a finalist in the Mrs. India Worldwide 2020 Audition. Various grooming sessions with Mrs. India have not only nurtured her Personality but given her wings to reach new heights. Earlier, she used to share her knowledge only with her school students. She has dedicated 9 years of her life as a Teacher. She mostly worked in various branches of Navy children school. However, she also found her calling to be an active social media influencer and travel vlogger now.

She believes educating parents can give a stronger foundation to children in their early childhood days. Teaching gratitude and compassion to children can bring a drastic change in the today’s society. She has been reaching out to the parents by sharing educational values through social media. Sagarika is a multi-talented person. Other than her passion for educating and shaping young minds, she is an avid traveler. Pottery and Canvas painting is an integral part of her life.

She cherishes photography and videography during travel. In addition, she is an accomplished Odissi dancer with innumerable stage shows till her college days. The aspect that stands her out is patience and positive thoughts. Confidence on both these attributes makes her sail through difficult situations comfortably. At present she is focusing on preparation towards the pageant finale and of course, teaching her daughters in the arena of online classes. Sagarika’s vision is to empower married women. It’s a fact that a married women’s dream is given lesser importance in our society. She believes the only aspect women lack is self confidence. With right amount of awareness and boosting their confidence, we can make them more successful in their life.
Haut Monde Mrs. India Worldwide is a global platform which has given her this opportunity for the 2nd innings in her life. She can be one of the influential inspiration to many married women.
More about Haut Monde Mrs. India Worldwide 2020
Haut Monde Mrs.India Worldwide is a global platform that has been running successfully since last 9 years and empowers married Indian women to showcase their real beauty, exemplary strength and distinctive personality. Haut Monde Mrs India Worldwide 2020 -The three days of our West Zone orientation at @hautmondehillstream resort was filled with fun, fashion, glamour and loads of learning & grooming.
Venue courtesy: @hautmondehillstreamresort

Let’s wish her good luck for future endeavors.
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